Metamask / Web3 Wallet

You will need a Web3-compatible wallet extension or application to use most of the applications or services which Stronghands Protocol offers. Here's how to get set up with Metamask.

Step 1: Head to the Metamask site and click the "Download" button - see the screenshot below.

After downloading and installing Metamask, a new tab will open in your browser, showing a screen like the one below - offering you two choices.

Step 2: Create a new wallet (or import one).

If you decide to create a new wallet, Metamask will give you a series of words to write down and keep safe - make sure you NEVER give ANYONE or ANYTHING those words - your Secret Phrase ("Seed Phrase", "Magic Phrase", "Seed Words", and similar terms) are PRIVATE, and grant total access and control of your crypto - you NEVER need to use them for any reason other than recovering a wallet to a new app, or a reinstalled one.

Step 3: You're Done!

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